Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Portrait :: Illustration Friday

Self Portrait
( Click for larger view )

This reminds me of the Norman Rockwell self-portrait (the one where he's smoking a pipe) but with a modern twist.
Amy- I probably should have added an apology to Norman Rockwell. Yes, indeed, the image is my version of his self-portrait, which I think was very clever. Mr. Rockwell did his portrait in his medium. I did mine in mine. Be sure to check out The Unknown.
I like it. But there is one detail in error... since it is a camera and not a mirror, the image should be leaning in from the other side. /:-P

Have you considered an entire series of re-done famous art? Or maybe challenge yourself from now on to always tip your hat to another artist in you IF posts... So far, they are quite well done.
I actually noticed that just before posting and gave serious thought to 'fixing' it. But, then thought 'let's see anyone notices'. You win. You receive my undying gratitude.
BTW - Interesting that we both included screen shots of our paint programs.
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